“..he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the
master of the house ready for every good work.” 2 TIMOTHY 2:21


Our sets always begin with singers and musicians leading the room in worship so we can direct our gaze at Jesus before anything else. Through worship and praise we connect and minister to the Lord.


We prioritize the presence of Jesus. He is at the center of everything we do, every song we sing and every prayer we pray. Together, we are living out Psalms 27:4.


Praying for others is a key component of our prayer room. Our prayer sets focus on interceding for important topics that we believe matter deeply to God.



We love to serve and minister to others through the creative talents the Lord has given each of us. Whether it be healing, prophecy, worship, praying for others, or volunteering to help our community.


Our team consists of people of all ages and backgrounds. Everyone plays a unique and valuable role in the prayer room through the gifts God has given them. We highly value collaboration, feedback, community and communication.


As a prayer room, well long to see the great commission fulfilled. We intercede for missionaries and salvation in our prayer sets and we plan yearly outreaches to spread the gospel, minister to others and serve those in need.


Be a part of what the Lord is doing here in our prayer room by using your gifts and talents to serve Him and others!

Team members are committed to being a part of a minimum of 1 or more prayer sets per week by serving in the following area(s) of your choice:

Sings during a 2 hour prayer set with other singers, musicians, and intercessors. The prayer set follows Heartbeat’s prayer model.

Plays an instrument during a 2 hour prayer set with other singers, musicians, and intercessors. The prayer set follows Heartbeat’s prayer model.

Intercedes with scripture according to Heartbeat’s prayer model during a 2 hour prayer set with other singers, musicians, and intercessors.

Prophetic Ministry
Serves once a month with Prophetic Team by prophesying and praying over people registered to receive. You will be trained prior to serving.

Healing Ministry
Serves once a month with healing team by praying for healing over those registered to receive.

Media Team
Records videos and/or takes photos of a prayer set using either a digital camera or iPhone. Or records and posts Instagram Stories of prayer sets.

Door Keeper
Greets people as they enter the prayer room. Answers questions or directs people to resources.


Has the Lord placed a longing in your heart to be part of a team of missionaries who are building a space where His presence can dwell day and night?

Heartbeat staff are committed to building a dwelling place for the Lord and living out Pslams 132! You would be committing to being a part of prayer room staff by choosing one of the following commitments:

Staff Commitment #1
You would be committing to being in the prayer room 8-18 hours per week by serving in the area of your choice:

Media Team
Sound Tech
Class Instructor

Staff Commitment #2
You would be committing to being in the prayer room 20 hours per week by serving in the area of your choice:

Media Team
Sound Tech
Class Instructor
Finance Department
Media Team
Department Leader

Being part of staff also includes the following commitments: attending monthly meetings with the rest of the staff, serving during Heartbeat events (Passion For Jesus, Annual Dinner, Havah, etc..), attending monthly Ministry Nights, fundraising for prayer room, traveling during annual outreaches, and more!

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